11/4 1:30-5:00 PM, 11/5
1:30-5:00 PM ,2014/)
研討會地點: 臺大醫院 第七講堂
Dr. Benner 於1942年,出生於美國維琴尼亞州,後全家搬到加州定居。高中畢業後進入一所Pasadena College接受大學教育。就在這時期, 因一邊念書,一邊也在一所醫院的行政部門打工, 她終於下定決心要轉往護理專業的路上發展,於是也申請進入Pasadena
City College, 修讀護理學的課程。於1964年,同時獲得護理副學位(Associate degree),與Pasadena College的學士學位(Bachelor Degree)。此後Dr. Benner曾從事臨床工作一段時間,於1972年從加州大學舊金山分校(UCSF)獲得護理碩士學位。十年後,於1982年從加州大學柏克萊分校(UC Berkeley)再獲得護理哲學博士學位。
獲得護理哲學博士學位後,Dr. Benner旋即參與加州大學舊金山分校(UCSF)護理學院的師資陣容。除了負責該護理學院Dept. of Physiology(相當於內外科護理學)的教學,也曾獲得經費之資助,負責主持一項 Achieving Methods of Intra-professional Consensus, Assessment and
Evaluation Project (AMICAE Project)。透過主導AMICAE Project的經驗與所建立的資料,Dr. Benner於1984年完成了她舉世聞名的著作: From Novice to Expert:
Excellence and Power in Clinical Nursing Practice一書,
Dr. Benner的學術涵養,深受法國Maurice Merleau-Ponty 和德國 Martin Heidergger 兩位現象詮釋學哲學家之思維的影響,她可以說是將詮釋現象學(Interpretive Phenomenology in Nursing) 應用於護理專業發展的領先學者。Dr. Benner 目前是UCSF的榮譽教授,並出任卡內基基金會之Advancement of Teaching National Nursing Education Study的主任一職。於2009年出版了四十年來無人觸及的新作: Educating Nurses: A Call for Radical Transformation一書,對護理教學未來的根本翻轉,提出相當有力的見解,一夜之間,成為美國護理教育改革的翹楚之一,聲望也再度遠播國際。
此外,由於她在護理教育與教學的長期深耕與成就,卡內基基金會更進一步聘請她加入Carnegie Preparation for the Professions studies of Clergy, Engineering,
Law and Medicine的合作。使她成為跨界於工、商、法與醫界專業人才之培育領域的護理教育家。
Benner P. (2000, 2ndEd.) From
Novice to Expert: Promoting Excellence and Power in Clinical Nursing Practice. Menlo Park:
Addison-Wesley. Translated into five non-English languages. Second Edition,,
New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.
Benner P., & Wrubel, J. (1988) The
Primacy of Caring, Stress and Coping in Health and Illness. Menlo Park: Addison-Wesley. Won 2 American Journal of
Nursing Book of the Year Awards, Medical-Surgical Nursing and Issues in Health
Benner, P., Sutphen, M, Leonard, V, Day, L. (2009) Educating
Nurses: A call for radical transformation. Carnegie Foundation
& Jossey-Bass. Won AJN Book of the Year 2010 and the Prose Award for
the best in scholarly publishing. (2012 copyright : The Carnegie Foundation for
the Advancement of Teaching, 51 Vista Lane, Stanford, CA)
Benner, P., Tanner, C., & Chesla, C. (2009, 2nd Ed.) Expertise
in Nursing Practice: Caring, Clinical Judgment and Ethics. New York: Springer.
Benner, P., Malloch, K. , Sheets, V. (2010) Nursing
Pathways for Patient Safety. Pennsylvania: Elsevier International Press.
Benner P., Hooper-Kyriakides P., Stannard D.(2011, 2nd Ed) Clinical
Wisdom and Interventions in Critical Care: A Thinking-In-Action Approach. Philadelphia:
財團法人道真護理教育暨研究基金會 提供
(2014. 08. 11)